Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dailey Wod 04-23-2011

Warn ups:
PNF-hips & shoulders
Spealer warm up

Strength Wod:     Heavy Clean Pulls w/ straps @ 115% 1RM
warm up set - 185#x10
225x5/245x3/275xamrap (made 4 w/ good speed)

Wod:      The "7"
7 rounds each for time
7-Poly Push Ups (see below for description)
7-95# Front Squats
7-Ring Dips
7-GHD sit ups
*Poly Push Up"-poly metric push up: place 2 6" boxes on the outsides of your forearms in the lower position of the push up. Start with a regular push up, at the bottom...explode up and onto the boxes. from the bottom position on the boxes, explode upwards and land with you hands on the ground. this is 1 rep (I know...this isn't effing easy!!)

Mike G. Rx'd
R1-1:43      R4-2:14
R2-1:49      R5-2:11
R3-2:07      R6-2:20
Total Time: 14.63 min

Nutritional Experiment Update

Hi guys, just a real quick note I'd like to throw in here about how I feel as I go through this process, kind of a "stream of consciousness" type of thing. Let me start by saying I am getting a house ready for sale and packing to move, along with having my two dogs, I am also dog sitting for a week. All of this and my full time gig too, not to mention my time I spend being a mad scientist/dumb lab rat for all of us. Suffice to say I should be in exhaustion hell...but I'm not. as a matter of fact...i feel really good. :) Also I feel very strong...I just did my morning routine and I did heavy clean pulls with 115% my max for reps followed by a brutal wod I designed called the 7. Take a look at it later as soon as I post it. point is normally this would have been it...i would typically have been passed out on the couch too tired and sore to move till at least Monday. but as I sit here right now I am having trouble typing fast enough!! i really feel a overall balance of well being...its kinda cool! By going through this process I feel like we are learning how to "drive" our own bodies to the places WE want them to go...not just accepting the excuse of "genetic fate". sum far so good... me feel good, now go eat often & clean and go lift heavy things as often as you can!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Nutritional Experiment Update

shrimp scampi with veggies, salsa and black beans
OK, it has been 3 days since taking the plunge into "guinea pig land" and I wanted to spot check my numbers. After all, they say to make effective change you need to test and re-test frequently...if you don't track it you will not make change. So I didn't have any preconceived goals for this spot check, truth be told, I told myself that no change was still something and not to let my fragile male ego get the better of me (yes ladies, I can admit this!). I have designed this experiment so that I would have a few extra days in the beginning and at the end of this four week protocol, just in case!  So I got up pretty early today (with the help of my two dogs...trouble and more trouble), I showered and made a cup of coffee, after that I took all of my measurements and weights (don't worry, I will share all of the statistical data with you at the end). I was very pleased with my findings just 3 days in...I lost 3.5 inches off of both my hips AND waist - 8 inches off of my total Inches all together! Also, I lost 1.8lbs of fat and most importantly I lost a whopping 5.86% of body fat...IN THREE DAYS!!!! These results really spur me on and I look forward to my next update...April 29th. Same non-fat time , same non-fat channel. Until then, be well, eat well and treat each other well! Now lets do work!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dailey Wod 04-21-2011

Warm ups:
 PNF Stretch - hips&shoulder mwod
Spealer warm up

Strength Wod:
Deadlift - warm up set 1x175#x10
265x5/300x3/340x AMRAP

WOD:        Games Wod 11.5                20 min AMRAP
   5x143# Power Cleans
 10x Toes To Bar
 15x 20# wall Balls (I used a 20# vest wrapped up and a 10' target)

Mike G. - 12 rnds + 5 PC + 8 T2B

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Well it's about time for the electrodes!!

Yep, it sure is. We as a society tend to be good at talking the talk but when it comes to walking...were out. So I have been thinking, since at the core of this blog is the purpose of helping all of us live better lives...lets look at some of the common things that negatively affect the majority of us. The numero uno item that royally screws us over and over is the Dreaded Plight of the Diet. This scourge has plagued nearly everyone of us and continues to torment us daily! So, I have set out to find a solution...and NOT a fly by night, insane juice only, gain it all back seconds after completing the diet type of solution. I am determined to find one that fits the majority of our needs for the majority of time with the least possible effort! I promise I have not been drinking!! I put on my "scientist hat" on and researched this topic for the past six months in my spare time. I have read most of the popular diet books out there and wasn't too impressed, there is allot of common sense mixed with un-realistic expectations going on. Also, THE biggest complaint I have with these books is this: you tell me it's OK to have a "cheat" day but you didn't tell me HOW to cheat. Perplexing, I know. If I've never run a complex precise machine at a factory (ie;The Human body), and you told me to "run it" once a week, wouldn't you be sure to tell me HOW to run it?? you bet your OSHA loving ass you would!! So I have a library of reference material ranging from medical texts and journals to fitness articles,books,studies,ETC... from with to draw from and I have made my starting calculations and measurements. I am going to recreate and test the majority of the practices both popular and obscure, to see what really works, what doesn't and whats completely insane and/or delusional. So stay tuned as your Average Joe, a close to middle aged father of daughters experiments endlessly for our greater good. I will update my tests and progress weekly and upload all of my data so you can ride along with me and see what works and what doesn't...I encourage you to always seek out ways to be a better you, then share your new found info with the rest of us...your karma will thank you for it I promise. OK, this lab rat is signing off and heading towards the "electro-wheel"...LOL,jk. Time for coffee.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Crazy Upper Body Strength

Dailey Wod 04-15-2011

Warm ups:
PNF Stretch hips & shoulders 5min ea.
Spealer warm up 5min

Strength Wod:
C&J     warm up set 95#x10
155x3/165x3/175x3 (last rep was heavy)

Wod: Collin           Time: Mike g.-18:14 Rx'd
-50# sand bag carry 400m
-12 115# push press
-12 24" box jump
-12 95# SDHP

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dailey Wod 04-14-2011

warm up:
PNF-shoulders & hips 5 min ea
Spealer warm up 5 min

Strength Wod: FS
warm up set - 95#x10
160x3/170x3/180x3amrap (5 reps-felt good like i could've gone to 8)

Wod:  3 RFT             Time: 8:52 Rx'd
135# farmers carry 100'
30 anchored sit ups
10 dead hang ring pull ups

2011 Asian Weightlifting Championships 56+62kg Snatch

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

CrossFit - What are the CrossFit Games?

Hot chicks doing the olympic lifts

Why?? I'll tell you why & it's not just because I said so!!

Why eat Grass Fed Meat vs Grain Fed animal products? 

Grass fed beef is what is referred to as a nutrient dense food. That means that the amount of essential vitamins, minerals, and proteins is higher per calorie than other foods. Grass fed beef products are lower in total fat than beef from grain fed cattle. When meat is lean, it actually lowers your cholesterol levels and because grass fed meat is so lean, it is lower in calories. The greater the fat content, the greater the number of calories. Although grass fed meat is low in bad fats (including saturated fat and trans fats), it gives you from two to six times more of a type of good fat called "omega-3 fatty acids." Omega-3 fatty acids play a vital role in every cell and system in our bodies; people that intake larger amounts of omega-3s in their diet are less likely to have high blood pressure or irregular heartbeat and are only half as likely to have a serious heart attack. Omega-3 fats have been linked to brain function as well. People with a diet rich in omega-3s are less likely to suffer from depression, attention deficit disorder (hyperactivity), or Alzheimer's disease. When cattle are taken off grass and shipped to a feedlot to be fattened on grain, each day that an animal spends in the feedlot, its supply of omega-3s is diminished.

Dailey Wod 04-13-2011

Warm ups:
PNF Hips & Shoulders 5 min
Spealer Warm up 5 min

Strength Wod:
BS   warm up set-155x10
245x3 / 265x3 / 280xAMRAP(3 good reps)

WOD: Lyndsay (Today is my wifes birthday, hence the wod)   Rounds: 6+5MM+2 Burpees

 10 Min AMRAP
5 ManMakers w/30#DB's
5 Burpees
5 Ring Dips

Is this even human?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Dailey Wod 04-11-2011

Wam up:
PNF & Burgener 5min ea.

Strength Wod:  ***Included in the main wod***


Press 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dailey Wod 04-10-2011

Warm ups:
PNF & Burgener 5 min ea.

Strength Wod:
OHS      wrm up set 95x10
140x3 / 150x3 / 160x2

Wod:    FGB              Score: 570
50# sandbag floor to can(3' high garbage can)
75# SDHP
20" box jumps
95# push press

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Dailey Wod 04-9-2011

Warm ups:
PNF hips & shoulders 5 min
burgener warm up(pvc & bar) 5 min

Strengtth:  DL
wm up set - 95#x10
285x3 / 300x3 / 325x2

Rest day

Friday, April 8, 2011

One of a Kind - Olympic Weightlifting

Dailey Wod 04-8-2011

Warm ups:

PNF Stretch -hips & shoulders 5min
Catalyst warm up - 5min

Strength Wod: Rest Day

Wod:     Technique Day:

95# FS w/ med bands - worked on "out of the hole" power 3x5
Squat Clean breakdown: each part 3x5 then full squat clean 3x5
muscle ups w/green band 3x5
ring dips - full ROM & emphasis on the negative 3x5
bench press 135x10(warm upset)

Old School Strength Training

"it's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get back up."
-Vince Lombardi


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dailey Wod 04-7-2011

Warm up:
PNF - Hips & Shoulders - 5min
burgener warm up - 5min

Strength WOD: Squat Clean & Jerk       warm up set - 90#x10
145x5 / 155x5 / 165x3

WOD:                     Time: 9:58 Rx'd
ring dead hang pull up - 10 to 1
box jump 20" - 1 to 10
parallel ring fly w/ 2 sec pause on ea. rep - 10 to 1

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Daily WOD 04-05-2011

Warm up-PNF stretching 5min shoulder & hip / Double Under practice 5 min.

Strength WOD: Back Squat
Warm up set-155 x 10

WOD: 4 RFT      Time: 18:17 Rx'd
 250Meter row
25 Crossfit Push ups
50 feet walking lunge w/ 45# plate

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Daily Wod 03-30-2011

Warm up:
Catalyst Warm up / Double Under practice/shoulder mobility

Strength Wod:
Shoulder Press warm up-95#x10 - 130#x5/140#x5/150#x5

Daily Wod:  2011 crossfit games qualifier wod#2

9 Dead Lifts 155#
12 Crossfit Push ups
15 24" Box Jumps

8 round;9 DL;12 CPU & 2 BJ = 164points

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Daily WOD: 3/29/11

Warm up:
PNF Stretch; Double Under work-5min
Strength Wod:
OHS - warm up-95#  130x5/140x5/150x5

Daily Wod:
30# db Man-makers
